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I’m in passionate pursuit of Jesus and living a better story,  encouraging and equipping others to do the same. 

About Jodi

Hey there. I’m Jodi.

Welcome to the space where I write honest thoughts about life and its struggles, Scripture, and the importance of coffee creamer. 

I love Jesus and most people. I'm working on this. I'm a boy mom to 3, but 2 have flown the coop, so the youngest is smothered with all the kisses. 

Never could I have imagined how our world and my personal life would be upended in 2020 and 2021, and I’ve never felt more distracted and lost on this journey of faith, but also more impassioned to get back on mission for Christ.

Many of us have gone through major life changes in relationships, community circles, careers, and families. We have lost loved ones, jobs, homes, and maybe even our faith as this pandemic and all of its variants have ransacked our lives. It has sent me under the covers to hide from the constant drip of utter despair, if I may be so dramatic, and I am.

I’m no longer a pastor's wife, and my husband and I, with our youngest son, moved away from California where our two older sons chose to stay. We are starting over in this middle season of life. I'm undone by the grief of losing family, ministry, community, and our home. Who am I if I'm not a full-time mom, loving on my boys and all their friends, or a pastor's wife serving in all the roles at church, teaching Bible studies, pastoring women, and enjoying close friendships?

I am a child of God. That hasn't changed and never will. But how do I recreate life for myself without the old titles and the relationships that brought me joy?

C.S. Lewis said it best: “Pain is God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” 

And my pain has been roused. Maybe yours has too. And it makes me pursue Jesus even more passionately. Because in my deepest pain and loneliness, He has my attention the most. I'm listening.

We were made for authentic community. To belong. To be our genuine selves. Even in our deepest pain. Especially in our deepest pain. Because it’s in the telling of our stories we connect,  find community, and transform. 

I’m here to encourage and inspire women to passionately pursue Jesus and equip them to use their gifts and lives fully for God. To live the adventurous story He has imagined for each of us. 

This is a place where we dive deep into Scripture and wrestle with the truth of God’s Word. Together.

And ordinary moments will be transformed by an extraordinary God.

So pull up a chair. Let’s talk. You belong here.

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